RBAC Roles for Azure CLI storage operations
I depend on the Azure CLI in my deployment pipeline for this site to push content into Blob Storage. The pipeline failed yesterday, with only the following message in the logs WARNING: No connection string, account key or sas token found, we will query account keys for your storage account. Please try to use --auth-mode login or provide one of the following parameters: connection string, account key or sas token for your storage account.
The deployment pipeline is in Azure DevOps and consists of the following tasks:
Interestingly, the task that copies site content to the storage blob succeeded. This task uses the 'AzureFileCopy@3' task, which is basically a wrapper around AzCopy.
The failed task actually only has the warning message above, but is clearly the source of the failure:
The task itself updates the cache-control setting on static assets to allow for efficient caching. I'm using a PowerShell script to accomplish that
# iterate all blobs with a different cache control setting
foreach($blob in ($blobs | ? {$_.Properties.contentSettings.cacheControl -notlike $contentCacheControl}))
# use name as identifier
$blobName = $blob.name;
# get extension
$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($blobName).ToLower();
# update blob if extension is affected
az storage blob update --account-name $env:StorageAccountName --container-name $env:StorageContainer --name $blobName --content-cache-control $contentCacheControl
Write-Host "Updated $blobName with cache-control setting"
This is part of my pipeline in Azure DevOps, so it uses a Service Principal to authenticate to my Azure subscription. The error log shows that at least one blob was updated, so I can be sure the authentication is working. After a little bit of googling, it appears that there are two problems here:
- Warnings are treated as errors, causing the task to fail
- The Azure CLI is deprecating key based authentication
To fix the first problem, I updated my task definition and set my errorActionPreference to 'continue':
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: set-cache-control
azureSubscription: 'michael-azure'
scriptType: 'pscore'
scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
powerShellErrorActionPreference: 'continue'
inlineScript: |
$containerName = "$web";
For the second problem, I first needed to configure the service principal I am using for Azure DevOps with the correct RBAC roles. I configured this by selecting Access Control (IAM) on the storage account in the Azure portal and ensuring that the service principal has both 'Storage Blob Data Contributor' and 'Storage Blob Reader' permissions
Next, I updated my Azure CLI script in the pipeline step to use the new --auth-mode login setting
# update blob if extension is affected
az storage blob update --auth-mode login --account-name $env:StorageAccountName --container-name $env:StorageContainer --name $blobName --content-cache-control $contentCacheControl
Write-Host "Updated $blobName with cache-control setting"
With these changes, my Azure DevOps pipeline is working again. I'll go back and remove the powerShellErrorActionPreference setting now that I'm using the most current login method.