Pulumi is a SDK that can be used to describe an entire application stack using modern programming languages and deploy that stack to multiple cloud providers. This is an exciting new approach to infrastructure as code that can help development teams collaborate more effectively. If you've ever used a product like Terraform, Packer or CloudFoundry you may appreciate being able to use the same language as your application code to describe and deploy the infrastructure. In today's post, I'll detail an example of deploying common components for a web application using Pulumi, C# and Typescript.…

Kubernetes makes it possible to describe an application and deploy it to the cloud or to on-premise infrastructure using the same code and deployment tools. Using K3s, that on-premise infrastructure can even be a Raspberry Pi (or a cluster of them!). This post describes deploying MongoDB to Kubernetes running on a Raspberry Pi 3.…

I depend on the Azure CLI in my deployment pipeline for this site to push content into Blob Storage. The pipeline failed yesterday, with only the following message in the logs WARNING: No connection string, account key or sas token found, we will query account keys for your storage account. Please try to use --auth-mode login or provide one of the following parameters: connection string, account key or sas token for your storage account.

Azure HDInsight is a great way to get started with popular open source frameworks like Hadoop and Kafka. Besides offering simplified deployment, it also offers native integration with other Azure services like Data Lake Storage, CosmosDB and Data Factory. Kafka on HDInsight is an easy way to get started establishing a data integration layer and enabling analysis with modern tools. The out of the box configuration doesn't provide much in the way of security though, and enabling SSL is a good first step.…

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